IPC - Material Data Entry for Complex Assemblies


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For components and simple parts the material level declaration is most appropriate. However, for assemblies containing multiple parts or assemblies Motorola recommends the use of subparts to aid in completing the material declaration. This allows each component of the assembly to be entered and declared separately.  


Material and substance data entry for complex assemblies follows exactly the same process outlined for a Single Component except that a subpart section is used. The subpart row immediately follows the product row and subsequent subparts are added immediately following the last substance of the last material in the previous subpart as shown below:


  1.   In the Row immediately following the Product row enter a unique Subpart Name such as Capacitor 101


    Note: If the component is under the third or fourth level subpart, the subparts name needs to include the part tree structure


  1.   Enter the Quantity or number of these parts in this product

  2.   Enter the Mass Amount

  3.   Using the drop down list select the appropriate Mass Units for this part.

  4.   In the following row begin adding materials and substances as shown previously.

  5.   Add the next subpart in the row following the last substance of the last material of the previous subpart.

  6.   Continue adding Materials, Substances and additional subparts until complete. The form should look like the simple two part example shown below:



Detailed information on exemptions can be found in the Understanding Exemptions section


  1.  There are a couple of additional considerations when using subparts:

    1. The sum of the weight of all materials in a subpart must equal the subpart weight.  There is a small tolerance built in to the error checking but the best practice is to make these equal
          Examples from above:
               Subpart1 = 1g
               Material1 = 0.5g
               Material2 = 0.5g

               Subpart2 = 0.5g
               Subpartmat1 = 0.5g

    2. The sum of all subpart weights multiplied by the subpart quantity must equal the Product weight.  Here again there is an allowable tolerance but in general these should also be equal
          Examples from above:
                subpart1 qty * subpart 1 weight = 10*1 = 10 g
                subpart2 qty * subpart2 weight = 5*0.5 = 2.5 g
                Sum of subpart weights = 10+2.5 = 12.5 g
                Product weight = 12.5 g

    3. Duplicate subpart names are not allowed and will result in a failure to load error when the file is uploaded


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